It’s a great product, just not well managed by a trustworthy company. I worked at target back in the day when the Quest 2 was around and I got one brand new for about $220 after employee discounts and gift card offers.
It’s a shame to see it change over time, but damn is the price accessible compared to $800+ headsets at the time. You gotta admit it really lowered the bar for entry for VR seeing how it’s now also 40% of SteamVR users.
I really hate what they’ve done with the product.
But due to the low price point VR has taken off and loads of parents got it for thier kids. That means more Devs have made games and more competition making headsets.
more competition making headsets
quite the opposite has happened, there are fewer companies making headsets now. Microsoft is removing their version of open platform, mixed reality from windows entirely…
But without content or Meta focusing so hard, it’s likely more projects would have shut down sooner.
Just because Microsoft cancels a project, that doesn’t mean shit.
Microsoft is famous for buying up and shutting down new tech.