I’ve been using Deezer for a while, but I’ve been looking to move to something else after they absolutely mutilated their UI and actively insulted any paying customer that complained.
Tidal seems like a good choice. I just dread the day they, too, get caught up in current trend chasing and redesign their app to look like a bubbly toy to hook the kids.
Qobuz has the most beautiful and serious-looking UI I’ve tried, I really love it. But I had to stop using it because there is no lyrics integration and some of my favorite (admittedly obscure) music was not there. But the UI is spectacular, especially on desktop.
Tidal’s interface is simply good, nothing more and nothing less, and it’s a more mature product overall with more features
Try apple music. Also has lossless audio for the same price and has a great app, even on android and it does have a pretty good lyrics integration.
Only on non Apple Desktops it’s a bit lacking since your choice is either the ancient iTunes or the web app
if you want cross platform from major platforms such windows macos Linux,IOS and Android. Spotify is the best
I’ve felt like Tidal has behaved exactly like Spotify in my use so far (which has only been a couple of months). I was doing side-by-side comparison of playing, adding to the queue, inserting next in queue, etc., and it all seemed to behave exactly the same.
edit: Oh, yeah, I only compared Windows, Mac, and Android.
Been using tidal ever since Spotify’s Joe Rogan debacle. Main reason? They actually pay the artist. But the sound quality is a nice bonus as well! No regrets…other than people trying to share music with me by sending a spotify link!
They still don’t pay the artists all that much. No streaming services do.
If you genuinely want to support artists financially, you should buy their music outright through online stores like Bandcamp or Qobuz.
It’s true, but at least half the artists I listen to I would never have found if it weren’t for streaming. Something is, after all, better than nothing.
And compared to the competition, Tidal’s payments are good:
~30% more than Apple Music (0.01c)
~300% more than Spotify (0.003 - 0.005c)
~500% more than Soundcloud (0.0025c)
~1000% more than Pandora (0.00133c)
Sure, but even 300% of a tiny amount is still a tiny amount. People shouldn’t be kidding themselves that Tidal pays artists well when the compensation is still significantly less than if you buy an artist’s music directly.
The best approach is to use both - streaming for discovery and online stores for when you find an artists you really like and want to support them financially.
If I had the money to pay for music twice I would 😅
Man fuck Joe Rogan, basic boring prick
I just ended up installing Deemix and moving my library to offline storage.
Deezer is still great because you can upload personal music to your account and I find they have alot more music available than every other service Ive tried.
Not to mention they pay the artists better and hifi is automatically included too so. I went from Spotify > YT Music > Deezer and I am very happy. The UI is not as bad as everyone makes it, imo the icons are just a little uglier in some places thats it.
I really liked Deezer a few years ago, I thought about trying it again but saw the new UI and was like wtf