That’s very likely what happened. The problem is that the control board that manages communications is so old that nobody can find any documentation on how it works, so they can’t even begin to figure out a fix.
Everyone involved with that project is also probably dead.
Everyone involved with that project is also probably dead.
Literally, the FIRST sentence of the article is talking about someone who’s been involved with Voyager I from the start. Yes, the project has outlasted many of it’s original engineers, but to say, “Everyone involved with that project is also probably dead,” for a major mission that launched 46 years ago is obviously untrue.
Guess you missed the word probably, but okay
Guess you missed the article entirely.
Heheh you feel better now?
People are really touchy today, don’t take it personally. Remember that how someone treats you is almost always a projection of themself.
You’re literally just wrong. Suck it up and move on. Nobody’s even cared enough to respond twice.