When are we gonna finally nail companies for using underhanded and coercive tactics with consumers?
Oh, never? Okay then.
US: best we can do is a other corporate tax cut
Tbf Biden is currently campaigning on raising corporate taxes and the top tax bracket. To actually get anything done though, Democrats would have to take back the house.
When we make lobbying illegal in
this countrythe United StatesEurope is doing it. Look at Apple vs Spotify, as well as Apple forced to open their app stores to 3rd parties. Those are consumer oriented laws. In the USA, lobbying prevent those from happening.
And until the EU starts playing hardball, they’ll continue to engage in malicious compliance (literally how they’ve responded to the DMA so far). Time will tell if the EU actually has the balls for this.
The DMA took effect since yesterday I think and the fine for it was like up to 20% of global revenue if I remember correctly. The EU has enforced GDPR very well so far so I don’t doubt them enforcing this.
Tbh I don’t see why we would need much balls for this. There are plenty of alternatives in case Apple or whoever decides to pull out. Besides slight inconvenience there’s not that much reason to keep dancing to the fiddle of foreign companies.