It does literally compare it to that whole debacle in the article
It does? I didn’t see that anywhere
Ah. I use reader mode and it didn’t load the comments. Thanks
Honestly, I didn’t see that whole controversy when it happened and I just looked it up. The final, actually canvas, bag they ended up sending…still seems like a huge ripoff. But that’s just me and I’ve never really seen anything but the monster factory episodes of fallout.
Yeah the whole thing was a sham. So glad I usually buy games after 1 year and on sale.
Same. I gotta update my console though. I bought an Xbox X or S, whichever is the cheaper of the two. And I don’t play many games. Literally like two. RDR2 and fifa. Used to play GTA V but I’m over it. Getting there with rdr2. But I wanted to play the new resident evil 4 remake but it’s “not optimized for this console.”
But now all this talk about PlayStation 5 “reaching the sunset of its career” or whatever Sony said recently and then the whole Microsoft maybe bailing on the Xbox thing, I feel like if I sink the money into a new console soon, I’ll just be getting into another situation where all the things I might want to try are for the NEWER console. I dunno, I’m not a huge gamer, but I still enjoy playing.
I never liked consoles. Even less when they started charging for online play. Like vitch I already bought the fucking game. Let me play it.