Can I see the Pic of the bag?
It feels a lot like one of those bags you get at a con for free, or a jacket that you’d get off of a cheap Chinese website like Alibaba or Temu. That cheap woven plastic type of material.
That’s even worse than I was expecting
I wasn’t surprised that they cheaped out on the bag, most collector’s edition stuff isn’t what I’d call “high quality” and a canvas bag on its own would be pretty pricey for collector’s edition stuff (and that game came with like a full-size helmet and stuff too), but I was really surprised at just how cheap they went. There’s replacing the item with a cheaper alternative, and then there’s lowest bidder from the sweatshops cheap.
Didn’t a lot of them show up moldy, too?
That does sound familiar, but I don’t remember enough to say for sure one way or the other. Mine was fine, just cheap junk and not canvas.
Oooh, me too.