Ahh, boomers…
Sony made it even more deliberate. They blocked sales on PS3 for the same games that were on PS4. So a game may be $40 and on sale for $12 on PS4 but it would stay $40 on ps3. Developers complained about it and it was out of their hands
Didn’t happen on Xbox. And of course on steam it was the same game all along
Why are these Japanese companies Sony / Nintendo so scummy when it comes to this shit?
Because they hate their customers for some reason.
I get companies exist to make money, but look at the Xbox unit. They understand having your customers like you increases profits. Sony seems to want to piss them off. Which is funny because the situation was flipped a couple times over the years
True, but the biggest reason customer were pissed at Microsoft with the Xbox was the whole ordeal with the Kinect and required online 100% of the time at launch of the One. MS actually listened to customers and walked those choices back. You don’t see that walk back to these anti-consumer choices that companies make often enough anymore.
Well, they ditched the idiot running Xbox and brought in someone who actually understands what gamers want. That was a huge move
Shame it already had the damage though. Stupid $100 Kinect tax was just brutal