Though I must say I’m still upset at the losers that are still on twitter.
I feel like people changed drastically over the last two decades and are more likely to accept being fucked in the ass by corporations.
Remember what happened to digg when they changed the site to control the articles that are being posted? Or to Myspace when it was purchased by Murdoch?
What the hell happened?
Well, The Battle of Blair Mountain happened because the workers were sick of being paid in company scrip, living in company housing, and shopping and company stores. So maybe we’re not back to that yet. But dont ever forget that is the end goal for all these shit stains.
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How does normies compare to neurotypicals? I wouldnt say that classic social media is only neurotypicals but there does seems to be a major overlap.
EDIT: This is an honest to god question by an autist. I cannot tell the difference besides neurotypical being an accepted scientific term for majority-normal personality and normies being some kind of slang for seemingly the same thing.