I would love to hear everyone’s opinion.
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Cool. Thanks! One less reason for me to even consider Porman on the radar. Personally, I really don’t care for the tool itself, and am way more interested in the apps that I can run and play with :)
Agreed. Honesly I use docker like snap these days. Need a specific version of node?
alias node="docker run --rm -ti -v '${PWD}:${PWD}' -w '${PWD}' node:16-alpine" alias npm="docker run --rm -ti -v '${PWD}:${PWD}' -w '${PWD}' node:16-alpine npm"
Pretty much every CLI tool that isn’t super basic to install I do this with.
Wow, that’s really clever. And dead simple at the same time.
Yea, I contribute to a bunch of own source projects, so it makes it easy to jump around without conflicts. Also great for random stuff like youtube-dl, or esphome, etc, that you use once in a while. Just slap the aliases in my bashrc.