Hi everyone,
I would like to ask your opinions on reliable cloud storage providers for media. I have a media collection that isn’t too big (about 2-3TB) that I’d like to store on the cloud since I’ll be moving in the future and don’t think I can handle multiple hard drives.
What do you suggest? Any issues I should be looking at? I came across Wasabi too, along with the more expensive Scaleway and Cloudflare R2 offerings. For now Backblaze seems fine in terms of reliability, but has anyone come across complaints from them regarding what is stored on their servers?
Can I do incremental backups with rclone whilst encrypting it?
Idk about rclone but you can do that with Borg backup.
Borg is a great tool, you should check it out
But Borg does not work with object storage, it needs a borg process on the receiving side.
Another alternative then would be Restic. That’s what I’m using for backups
I’ve used restic before and it worked great with OVH’s object storage. Moved away from cloud backups because of the cost though.
Or rustic! It is compatible with restic but has some nice additions, for example the fact that supports a config files. It makes operations a bit easier IMHO (I am currently using both).
Thank you, I’ll take a look
Yes, that’s how I do backups
Do you create one large binary blob or do you encrypt each file separately?
separately, that’s how I can maintain partial backups. The rclone crypt stuff is good at keeping track on huge amounts of files quickly
Thanks, I’ll take a look