Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one::undefined
No doubt this is slimy, but does it make Amazon a monopoly? It seems like a tough case for the FTC to win.
Not sure but giving your own products preferential placement on what you present to the public as an open marketplace is an anti-competitive behavior that they have been caught doing.
Took them ten years to split up AT&T and that was a literal monopoly. Near 100% market share.
Contrary to popular corporatist disinformation, anti-trust law isn’t just for literal control-100.000000%-of-the-market “monopolies.” Any company (or colluding group of companies) large enough to unduly influence the market can be subject to it.
That’s why it’s called “anti-trust” law, not “anti-monopoly” law.