This is a strange take. It’s okay to be a parent that wants alone time, or time away from their kids. It’s no different than wanting time alone from any family member. It doesn’t mean you don’t love them, it means you enjoy being with yourself and fulfilling your own wishes sometimes. I have a really hard time believing anyone who says they love to be around a toddler 24/7. It’s just not humanly possible.
My solution to not wanting to be around a toddler 24/7 is to not make a toddler in the first place.
Cool. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about then!
‘I’ve never flown a helicopter but if I saw one in a tree I’d be like “you fucked up”. that’s not supposed to be up there—that’s pilot error’.
-Steve HofstetterBad metaphor tho
Yes, children are truly a mystery. And very complex.
No, but parenting can be pretty complex and there is a large degree of variability child to child. The idea that you either are a psychotic helicopter parent (because there is really no other interpretation to demanding a parent be around their toddler 24/7) or simply should not have children is a gross oversimplification and also, more importantly, fuckinh prima facie dumb as shit.