My kids won’t have access to youtube (or even the internet) for as long as I can make that happen. If they absolutely MUST watch something on a screen it will be downloaded nature documentaries, episodes of Sesame Street, or maybe really old Disney animations.
Setup a Plex or Jellyfin server and put on it what you want them to watch. This is what I did and it has been a huge help.
The really old Disney stuff is loaded with canceled everything just FYI
Give them DaVinci and a camera and let them make their own
I haven’t re-watched any with that in mind… I mostly just remember funky animals and singing “oh delally oh delally, golly what a day” and “oobidoo I wanna be like you-oo-oo” with my own dad.
But yeah, DIY is a great idea!
#Daddy I wanna watch something
man ffmpeg