From the article: “Unsurprisingly, this skyrocketed searches for the best VPNs. According to a SlashGear report sent to Mashable, searches for “Texas VPN” jumped by 1,750 percent in the past day. It also spotted a 1,600 percent increase for the phrase “How to access Pornhub.””
At some point, Republicans will surely cross the line where their policies are so unpopular that people stop voting for them, right?
Unfortunately that isn’t how identity politics works.
Something something… Leopards … Face eating …
I doubt it.
the old guys with piles of old greasy porn mags grinning with their remaining teeth.
They are heavily entrenched in Texas. They will have to badly piss off most people enough that they all go vote in the same cycle.
Our state government has actually been getting much more radical over the past few years, because the only people who vote are conservative radicals, because everyone else is either apathetic or aware that their vote won’t matter unless millions of people suddenly wake up tomorrow and vote.
Millions of people not voting because it would take millions of people voting to elicit positive change and nobody is doing that is one of the most frustrating things.
I refuse to be part of that group. I’m a democrat living in KS and I vote in every single election I can. My candidate may not win, but damnit they will count my vote and know that I dissent.
I look at it as earning my right to bitch about our elected officials
My candidate may not win, but damnit they will count my vote and know that I dissent.
Which is the same exact reason I vote third party despite them mostly not winning.
edit: keep downvoting me. I’m sure that will help convince me to vote for your team, just like the last 50 times it happened.
deleted by creator
Yes, but actually no. In the federal election, it is trending that way.
Our state government has gotten both more corrupt and HARD right, mostly because the only people who care enough to vote in those elections are the crazies.
Not as long as there are minorities to blame for everything.
Not as long as the other guy is some dirty liberal who believes in socialist conspiracies like the holocaust having actually happened…
(Yes this is sarcasm, not actually saying the holocaust didn’t happen)
I’ve never really understood why they claim it didn’t happen, it’s not like they were the ones doing it so I don’t understand why they feel the need to protect themselves by claiming its non-existence.
Meanwhile the actual people who did do it fully acknowledge that it happened, was bad, and have taken steps to ensure it never can be allowed to happen again.
It’s a recruitment tactic mostly, they all know that it happened, but they hope they can reach those who pride themselves on being open minded by saying “What if it didn’t?” or “Hey, they seem to get REALLY made at people who are just harmlessly asking questions?”
So that they can be “Heard out”, and hope to indoctrinate you.
This tactic sadly works, and it’s why you can’t just “Debate them and challenge their idiocy in the free market of ideas.”
They simply won’t play the game fairly and in good faith. An honest debate is between two parties hoping to better make their positions understood, but if you’re not honest about what you believe in or why, the whole process has the rug pulled out from under it.
They are trying their damndest with this and going after IVF, but so far it hasn’t moved the needle too much.