I can’t even figure out how to tell if it’s supported or not. If it is supported, I can’t figure out how to enable it. If it is enabled, idk where I should be seeing it in proxmox!
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Can you name an Intel system from the last 2 years that doesn’t support it?
There are THOUSANDS of motherboards its impossible to know for sure sadly. I literally just told you I haven’t checked I a couple of gens, so no I cannot ell you in the last two years.
OP has yet to provide the request info, so we don’t know for their specific case.
It has nothing to do with the board. It is the CPU that matters as PCIe is controlled by the CPU
This persons CPU supports it https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/236783/intel-core-i7-processor-14700k-33m-cache-up-to-5-60-ghz.html
Isn’t it fun being confidently wrong? https://iommu.info/
VT-d is a CPU function, but IOMMU groups are a function of the CPU, Chipset, and board configuration combo.
Where does it say that? On some boards you need to adjust iommu but other than that it shouldn’t be a problem if the CPU supports it. I am not an expert and if I am wrong I would like you to prove it.
The previous site already shows this in practice, but here’s a more technical explanation for you
Here’s some more real life examples: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/vfio-passthrough-in-2023-call-to-arms/199671/18
Passed that you can take your skepticism somewhere else, I don’t really care that you don’t believe me, it doesn’t change the reality of how IOMMU groups work.
Grouping has become overall better since X570, but still not a given.
Thank you