While it’s true that it won’t be at max capacity, I will say that batteries these days will rate themselves in amp hours. For instance usually an 800 CCA AGM battery lists itself online as 7.5 AH.
The conversion process involves using the formula CCA = 7.2 x Ah to convert from Ah to CCA, and Ah = CCA / 7.2 to convert from CCA to Ah.
I specifically looked at the available specs at the local auto parts stores and couldn’t find Ah details. This was about 2y ago, so maybe this value is becoming more commonplace. I know in the RV/Sailing works Ah is used pretty exclusively. My deep cycle AGM only lists CCA and reserve capacity
With the rise in power banks and phones being rated in Amp Hours, I think this may be a recent change, and certainly one I have noticed.