Key points
- Message notifications are back!
- A big refresh to messaging
- Added a new unified inbox option “all” combining comment replies, mentions and direct messages
- Quick action buttons are now shown for comment replies, mentions and direct messages
- Comment reply actions (more icon) now shows the user and community rows (with additional options)
- Comment replies now show the community icon and post title
- Comment replies have had a visual refresh
- Comment replies, mentions and direct messages can now be quickly reported and marked as read
- Comment replies, mentions and direct messages can now be marked as unread
- Added a quickly reply swipe gesture
- Added page dividers
- Your own send direct messages can now be deleted
- Direct messages are now shown in threads
- Added .webm support to the image viewer and image peek
- Added “linked instances” and “blocked instances” to the instance chip group
- Experimenting with always showing the community icon in feeds
- Updated the reply icon
Github issues closed
- View mode not updating properly #402
- No messages returned snackbar doesn’t automatically go away #333
- Add ability to disable “view more” toast messages #365
- Allow images in comments to use shared element transitions #391
- Add new app icons to replace the legacy S4R ones that were removed #389
- Add option to swap upvote and down vote colors to match Lemmy #386
- Username doesn’t show in the account picker if there is no display name #451
- Account settings save button not disappearing after saving #448
- When swapping between automatic and manual theming, some elements don’t change color properly #479
- Override sort dialog shows cancel button twice #484
- Username of non active account in account picker is empty #492
- Crash on startup with latest update #445
- Missing username in picker #478
- Not showing link options properly and crashing when clicked #513
Other fixes
- Fixed a title displaying issue caused by the recent change to titles
- Fixed a crash when clicking link options on a text post
- Fixed a bug where the description of the current messaging section in the toolbar wouldn’t update correctly
- Fixed an issue with a broken lift target in messaging causing the status bar not to change color
v122 adds support for a super secret upcoming new feature…
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Android Settings -> Apps -> Sync -> Open by default
Ah that makes sense, thanks! I was looking in the sync options.
Edit: odd it doesn’t work. I added every domain, then click a link in discord and it still opens chrome
hmmm, not sure if chrome has this, but for Firefox I use the “Open in App” button, since I have “Open links in apps” set to Never.
Though I can replicate your issue, clicking a lemmy link in Discord brings me to Firefox, whereas clicking a YouTube link in Discord takes me directly to the YouTube app (technically the ReX app)
I had the same issue, you could try Lemmy Redirect (the github repo is named after the Mastodon proxy, but the Lemmy one is there as well), works for me.