You’re really deluded into thinking you’re correct and that your strawmen are good arguments. “If we do anything at all about this, then extension cords will be illegal,” really wet sobbing.
“If this civil lawsuit is allowed to proceed then we are already under 1984’s Big Brother police state, they are coming for you,” wild. Your imagination is a very frightening place. You feel threatened by so many things. Must be hard.
Why would I participate in your side quests? You like writing strawmen, have fun with it on your own.
“Why would I participate in a conversation about the very real slippery slope of vague, easily exploited criminal rulings? That way I would have to think about it.”
“Vague” “easily exploited” “criminal” all doing a lot of work here, but it’s good that you recognize your own words are a slippery slope fallacy surrounded by strawmen.
So frightened. I hope you can get some help and feel better.
Holy fuck dude, go back to Reddit if all you can do is quote the “logical fallacies!!!” Infographic you have saved in your terabytes of photos. I can (and have) engage with other people who actually want to talk about complex issues here without you
“Everyone who disagrees with me has ‘terabytes of files.’”
- A guy who like serious and complex discussions
You literally do though. You have a post saying you do. What are you talking about???
Hold up, let’s get this straight: you’re accusing me of redditor behavior, but this discussion has enraged you so much that you went looking through the comment history for anything you could possibly use as an ad hominem? Sometimes it is absolutely the case that every accusation is a confession.
There’s some grass outside, man, check it out.
You are STILL looking at the chart of logical fallacies 😂😂😂