Not just “remain visible” - actively promoted. There’s a reason people talk about Youtube’s right-wing content pipeline. If you start watching anything male-oriented, Youtube will start slowly promoting more and more right-wing content to you until you’re watching Ben Shaprio and Andrew Tate
I got into painting mini Warhammer 40k figurines during covid, and thought the lore was pretty interesting.
Every time I watch a video, my suggested feed goes from videos related to my hobbies to entirely replaced with red pill garbage. The right wing channels have to be highly profitable to YouTube to funnel people into, just an endless tornado of rage and constant viewing.
One thing to consider is that conservatives are likely paying for progressives to see their content, and geeks tend to have liberal views and follow the harm principle without many conditions.
Otherwise, it really shows the demographics of the people who play Warhammer. Before my sister transitioned, she played Warhammer and was a socialist but had a lot of really wehraboo interests. She has been talking about getting back into it, but she passes really well and imagines how it would go with the neckbeards.
The algorithm is, after all, optimized for nothing other than advertisements/time period. So long as the algorithm believes that a video suggestion will keep you on the website for a minute more, it will suggest it. I occasionally wonder about the implications of one topic leading to another. Is WH40k suggested the pipeline by demographics alone or more?
Irritation at suggestions was actually what originally led me to invidious. I just wanted to watch a speech without hitting the “____ GETS DUNKED ON LIKE A TINY LITTLE BITCH” zone. Fuck me for trying to verify information.
it legit took youtube’s autoplay about half an hour after I searched “counting macros” to bring me to american monarchist content
Oh are we doing kings now?
Vote for me for King, I’ll make sure there’s a taco truck on every corner.
I’ll vote for you if you make me the Marquess of Michigan
… Deal. But I reserve the right to turn the upper peninsula in to my own personal resort.
Deal, but Michigan gets Cleveland then. I feel like Cleveland for the UP is a fair trade
That’s actually a great idea. I’ve always been a fan of the Browns.
YouTube is really bad about trying to show you right wing crap. It’s overwhelming. The shorts are even worse. Every few minutes there’s some new suggestion for some stuff that is way out of the norm.
Tiktok doesn’t have this problem and is being attacked by politicians?