Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one::undefined
Uber has direct competition in Lyft, among other rideshares and entrenched taxi companies. Disney and Netflix are literal competitors. You’re on an alternative to Twitter right now, and Facebook is yet another. Apple has competitors in every industry. AirBnB has both tons of competition and 26% market share - below
Oligopolies are still not competitive. We need research into finding out what market share starts distorting competition, and tying antitrust to that.
A market with 2 competitors can still be broken down further.
Oligopoly has an actual meaning and that meaning isn’t “companies I have heard of”
What’s funny is you hate Uber because you’ve heard of them but Yellow Cab had a literal monopolistic chokehold and you didn’t give a fuck at all.