Since when do brands want to be known on Reddit? Isn’t the entire point to make a bunch of fake accounts and post positive comments about said brand, to make them look good?
Queue the thousands of totally not brand accounts posting why said product is so perfect and you’ll never buy any other brand again!
But now the verified account can be like: ooo wow, we are totally humbled by the love for our product thank you so much you guys!!
Then that will get screenshotted and posted on r/wholesome r/wholesomememes and r/mademesmile then make the rounds there forever.
They would of course keep their astroturfing accounts unmarked, of course. But they might want a corporate mountpiece account. Like they have on twitter.
Have on official account to post announcements then bots to upvote it.
ive seen in the nreal, now xreal, sub where having people from the company to talk to about issues helps. im not trying to market anything but just use an example. i doubt thats what they are going for but it can be a positive side effect.
For guerrilla marketing techniques sure
But for official advertisements I imagine they would want to do them on a verified account.
Like that disgusting “Samsung AMA” which was just a campaign for their S20-something. They deleted any question that wasn’t basically, “what’s so cool about [this feature] on the S20-something that I’m planning to get?”