Men are overly hormonal. Domestic abuse, war, homicide… They should take a more logical stance instead of being a slave to their feelings.
What a great specimen of Finnish self-aware sarcasm.
Lol it isn’t sarcasm. If you would like to test my hypothesis, next time you see a man raging, tell him he is being overly hormonal. 99% chance he will not calm down and start behaving logically XD
99% chance you’ll get that response from anyone being angry…regardless of sex or gender.
Have you just never met a woman before?
When did you lose your first tooth?
Please, quit being so emotional.
You just proved my point. Instead of evaluating the truth of my statement, you turned to aggressive ad-hominem.
Lol good one
Don’t know what aggression means?
Lol I’m getting all the boys today… arriba!
I asked you two questions.
The fact that you tried to debatelord away from a simple question like “When did you lose your first tooth?” means that you are almost certainly AI.
I’m reporting your account and blocking you.
Lmao and hyper-privileged too! XD
You’re saying that men should sever their feelings? How is that even possible? What do you feel like is the right way to do that?
Its a joke. The point is that women are often being told that they are too emotional (as opposed to the very logical men), even though men are often the ones with violent outbursts.
No my friend, but assuming that feelings, emotions, and hormones are something negative that need to be ignored or done away with is an artefact of patriarchy and we can throw that whole shit away.