Devices and tools are intentionally designed to be less reparable,
That is a big part of it.
Device/tool repair is typically not taught in schools, and from my perspective seems far less likely to be taught at home than it was in previous generations.
But it is taught online, with a lot of very detailed, very specific tutorials.
You can find step-by-step repair guides for almost everything on youtube. Sites like Ifixit or Repairclinic or Truatedrepair have tons of very detailed guides as well.
I think a big part of the problem is that people simply don’t have the mindset of fixing things.
How many times do you see comments like "you spent all this time fixing that, but you could have just bought a new one at Walmart in 20 minutes ".
Another issue is many ppl are just not technically apt or are able to problem solve, so many times they dont know what key words to use for finding a repair guide on google… It almost like a mental block for many…