They supposedly can be disabled in settings- but we all know that won’t last. They’re going full Microsoft Skype mode and it’s only a matter of time.
I can still recite my ICQ number off the top of my head
63094052 add me A/S/L?
And then you wonder WTF you want my age, sex, and location.
Ha, same. Best thing I can do for my social security number is “That looks about right”.
I remember mine, and my childhood best friend’s Prodigy account IDs.
Okay, now you guys are making me miss CompuServe.
Big spenders here, NetZero crowd checking in.
Always kept the Netzero around, but the best were the fly-by-nights who were sure they could run a successful business without Juno or Netzero’s investment or technical debt by just asking you to pretty-please use their site as your home page.
Well, “best” for as long as they lasted.
39148895 add me plz
Mine is 6 digits long and I remember it too. The whiteboard function was particularly fun.