You can use a VPN but then that VPN will track you. People need to let “internet privacy” go. That’s a fairly tale for Toddlers. There’s no legislation that will come to save privacy ever not even in the eu, the government tracking is enough to make all the tech companies turn green with envy.
I hate it, but I tend to agree with your take. If you don’t want someone to be able to find out about it, don’t do it on the internet.
The only thing a VPN really does is to mask your IP address. Can be useful in some cases, but there are way more ways a website can track you (like browser fingerprinting).
Not that it debunks your claim that privacy is just a fairy tale.
People need to let “internet privacy” go.
“Too hard; give up”? No thanks.
Lol I would give anything to live in such a naive state of mind. What bliss it must be.