My friend is a technical writer and just lost her job because “chat GPT can do what you do!”
She then informed me that she knew 11 other people who got fired due to the same thing. And now those companies are realizing how badly they fucked up and are frantically trying to rehire.
That’s like firing an accountant because Excel can do what they do. Lol
I hope they realize they need BIG FAT raises to return.
That’s exactly what she told me.
Plus a nice benefit package.
I got a rosy little glow inside me reading that.
A tale as old as time. The old analyst developer with cobwebs behind his ears gets sacked because of CIOs shiny new materia. Only to be rehired within the quarter at a consultant fee the time his previous salary.
I hope she says no.
That would be the dream, but people gotta eat. Hope she at least gets a raise.
At a competitor, too.
I hope she says yes, but demands twice her previous salary
ask for 2x, negotiate to 1.25x
you didn’t see my value before, and now you do.
I hope she says yes to double her salary
My experience tells me that gpt is only good if a trained professional is behind the screen. If you fire a technician or a professional and fully replace it with GPT, it’ll be on you to see how much it backfires
Replacing humans with AI is a bit like replacing a trained professional with a minimum wage, call center worker from a third world country. Sure it saves money and they can kind of do the job well enough so that if you squint it looks like the same thing. But the output is inevitably going to be subpar unless you retain a human expert manager.
Anyone who has ever had to deal with code from India knows this all too well.
Its like firing all your mechanics at a repair shop and letting the front office people fix the car because they already have the tools. But they don’t know how to fix a car.