im curious what version of kde plasma you’re on, i thought they were still working on it and plasma 6 just released. My computer with the hdr monitor is still on plasma 5.
edit: should’ve looked it up first of course. looks like support is expiremental on Wayland plasma 6. I’ll see what happens when kubuntu catches up.
Nobara comes with Plasma 6 and a pile of proton/wine/gpu upgrades to improve gaming, and put on a Fedora base that’s impressively stable. It’s done by GloriousEggroll so it’s all cutting edge Wine improvements.
Yeah, I’m on plasma 6, and interesting that they call it experimental. The setting is available by default in the display settings with no warning or anything. Either way, it works perfectly- hopefully kubuntu updates to 6 soon because it’s so much better than 5 :)