Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it::“We’re seeing more people coming back daily than I’d expected,” Zuckerberg said.

  • Don Escobar
    162 years ago

    This was my biggest driver as well, I liked the platform but it lacked features and I too hate being flooded with people I don’t know on my feed.

    They are going to continue to bleed users because of lack of features.

    • lemmyvore
      2 years ago

      They’re going to add features. It’s typical for software development nowadays.

      You get out on the market early just to be there (or to exploit a favorable moment like feeding on Twitter’s carcass), then add features later.

      It works, too. People will grumble but at least they have something to grumble about right now. It beats a perfect service at an unspecified date later.