Oh no, now I will have to pay $50/mo to re-watch marvel movie 832 and an action movie where the main character has to go on a 2hr quest for revenge after someone shot their pet.
…I barely watch movies anymore, there’s not been a ton of great new stuff imo. I’m so sick of subscriptions, too.
Same. Been watching a lot of film noir actually. The third man, double indemnity, strangers on a train. What happened to story telling?
They’re pretty much all the Journey Of The Hero anyways and that shit is 3000 years old.
Yeah. I just use free streaming sites.
It really put things into perspective who the useful idiots are in society.
We’re surrounded by them.
Yup. I used to watch a lot of movies and TV shows, now I mostly play video games and read books. Movies and TV just aren’t that good.