xfinity will advertise 100 Tbps lines with the abysmal 1.5 TB/mo data cap anyway
“you can drive this super sport car for $ per month - but only for 10 miles”
100Tbps downloads speeds (5Mbps upload)
Aren’t fiber lines typically symmetrical? At least that’s how I’ve usually seen them advertised.
You underestimate the fuckery that ISPs will go through to offer the least amount of services for the most possible money.
Mine at least lets me adjust the upload and download ratio for my plan. I’m currently on 50/20, but I could upgrade my plan and get 100/20, 70/50, or whatever I want. But 50/20 has been plenty for me, and we’re getting municipal fiber soon so I’ll have more options as well.
AFAIK, cable doesn’t offer that, you get 5mbps on pretty much every plan, or you upgrade to some ridiculous tier to get faster upload.
5Mbps is absolutely bonkers. I had 30/5 back in like 2006. And TCP has an overhead of about 5%, some protocols ever more.
I lost my symmetric gigabit fiber recently after moving and I miss it dearly. Might have upgraded to 3Gbps by now 😭
I had gigabit a long time ago, and while it was nice, I’m unwilling to pay for it. 50/25 is good enough for me, and it costs less than half what gigabit would cost ($55/month vs $125/month). I just checked, and apparently all plans have half the upload vs download, so that’s nice.
Our new service promises to be $60-70 for 250 symmetric, and that would only get me 100/50 at my current ISP, so I’ll probably be getting that upgrade when it’s available.
Speeds not guaranteed…
Isn’t the phrase they use “up to” the promised speed? So if it is 300bps, that is not above 5Mbps, so they technically met their promise.
Don’t be silly son, the free market will signal there is opportunity and prices will drop and quality will go up.
All fed to you on the not updated data line that caps at 800 MBps
I hate Comcast as much as the next guy but I feel like 1.5TB a month would be reasonable. Even at those speeds you probably wouldn’t be downloading more, just downloading whatever you do now but faster.
E: I was gonna ask why this was so controversial but I just checked my routers stats and, oh yeah I’ve only downloaded around half a terabyte over 3 segregated VLANs in the past 2 months. I’ve uploaded almost double that which is baffling to me though. Even still I don’t see why anyone would be downloading anything more that a terabyte in a month unless your one of those data hoarders, which fair but… I’ll stop my rambling.
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There shouldn’t be any data caps on wired connections, especially fiber.
There should be, that’s just how fiber works. If they lay a 10 Gb line in the street, they’ll probably sell a 1 Gb connection to a 100 households. (Margins depend per provider and location)
If they give you an uncapped connection to the entire wire, you’ll DoS the rest of the neighborhood
That’s why people are complaining “I bought 1Gb internet, but I’m only getting 100Mb!” - They oversold bandwidth in a busy area. 1Gb would probably be the max speed if everyone else was idle. If they gave everyone uncapped connections the problem would get even worse
Maybe, just maybe… Don’t oversell your capacity.
you’re talking about a bandwidth cap, not a data cap. data caps are when you get throttled after downloading a certain amount of data or get charged extra. think phone data plans where you have 10 or 20gb or whatever per month
You’re taking about data rates here, measured in bits per second.
Data caps have to do with the total amount of data you are allocated over a longer period of time. Usually per month. In the case of Comcast, it’s 1.5 TB/month.
If the customer exceeds that allotment during the month, they will be charged an additional “overage fee” per arbitrary unit, usually by the gigabyte.
It has nothing to do with the speed they advertise on a line, but rather a way to charge “heavy users” more.
The only thing data caps should affect is if there’s abnormal congestion.
Why the fuck would I want that speed if I can only fully use it for less than a second before hitting the data cap? I’d rather have 100 times less speed with 100 times more cap, so I can actually fully use it however I want.
Also it’s just ridiculous anyway because I don’t even think hard drive write speeds are that fast.
I think you meant no data cap.
Florida man fails math, yet again
I’m not even from Florida 😭😭 Planning on a namechange for my Internet personality soon though
I’m on pace for 0.60 TB this month and I’m no heavy user. I only have 1 4k TV and a laptop for work that I use all day. My wife is mostly on her phone but is a heavy TV user in the evening. I can imagine people who download and/or torrent most of the content they consume can easily hit 1.5TB
Tell that to my (nonexistent) off-site backup.