YouTube is bringing its ad blocker fight to mobile. In an update on Monday, YouTube writes that users accessing videos through a third-party ad blocking app may encounter buffering issues or see an error message that reads, “The following content is not available on this app.”
Yea, noticed that last week. Is already fixed again in latest revanced.
Delete microG, revanced manager, and YouTube revanced
Download and install the new gmscore, which replaces microG:
Download and install latest version of Revanced Manager:
Download and install YouTube 19.09.37 from APKmirror:
Revanced will never die. Stand against the Goliath.
Vanced died. If revanced dies we’ll just get rerevanced. Ad infitum.
Vanced died because they tried to generate revenue from it and made themselves vulnerable.
Also, unlike Vanced, Revanced doesn’t distribute modded youtube apks themselves.
Oh this? It’s just a binary of assorted diffs and plugins to a yet unspecified target apk. Why yes, I will use the end product for personal, non-commercial use.
Kind of funny if you read it like that, and while it certainly doesn’t make them immortal, it at least may make them last a while longer i hope.
It kinda comes out of the experience. There’s an outstanding Github issue that notes that a specific version of YT Music is broken past a certain version. Most of the patches fail to apply and you just get the minor ones. You can use the version just before with no issues. How can you litigate against lines of code that don’t even work? This is similar to the vulnerability that Yuzu gave up since they offered Patreon-exclusive updates to support a leaked BOTW:TOTK .iso. Easy to prove your intent there.
yup, noticed that revanced wasn’t working a week ago.
went into revanced manager, patched the recommended version, installed gmscore, done.
suck it youtube, i’m not paying a subscription to watch low effort vtuber edits.
Didn’t know about the update. Thanks, just did it.