The aircraft flew up to speeds of 1,200mph. DARPA did not reveal which aircraft won the dogfight.
Can’t they literally pull turns that would snap the pilots neck?
Can anyone confirm if AI has a neck?
And a mouth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But can they scream?
Not very loud when I’m using it
My neck. My back. Lick my inputs & my headphone-jack.
You deserve an updoot for this. Enjoy.
But the supervising wingmen do.
A skilled and fit pilot can pull ~9G in a Viper for about 30s.
A computer can pull ~9G for as long has the plane has the speed to pull that hard, or it can pull as hard as it can until the plane snaps in half, because computers don’t suffer from g-LOC.
Maybe if you were sitting sideways in the cockpit and did it very abruptly with the flight control computer disabled (only a few jets can even disable it). It’s the sustained G loading that makes you black out or red out.