Print failed because the layer adhesion is shit on my printer.

    111 months ago

    Glue stick helps, as does cleaning with ISO between every. single. print. Also praying.

    I got an old school build-tak style sticker for one of my glass beds once I finally got sick of it. Ender 3 style glass beds are just bizarre, ornery little things.

      211 months ago

      Buildtak is fantastic, I’ve swapped over to all buildtak on my voron and for abs on my prusa, A little bit of 99ipa between prints and you’re good, never had to worry about adhesion. I had a glass bed on a Mendel Max 2 literally a decade ago that I ended up selling about a year later when I moved cross country, ignoring bed leveeling and z axis issues I had, adhesion was always a mess, ended up doing the coat in polyimide tape and gluestick thing with success but it was always a bit how you doing. It’s great how far things have come.