Buy the game through whichever means you like supporting the developer on, pirate the game to run it without the DRM bulshit
you don’t own it til you pirate it.
if they wanted money, they wouldn’t have added DRM.
Until we are in a post job society, I see nothing wrong with wanting to support those who make your life happier, even if that requires giving some to those who make your life worse. Nuance exists, and its on each if us to draw our own lines on where we wont budge. I was merely giving an option to someone they might not have thought of. For instance, I’m done giving Nintendo money. Unicorn Overlord is an awesome game however, so even though I dont have modern xbox, and even though I’m playing Unicorn Overlord on a yuzu emulator. Eventually I’m going to by the Series S version of the game if it doesnt get ported to steam, even though Microsoft can go fuck itself (It can just fuck itself less than Nintendo or Sony)
I’ll buy games. the thing is: I won’t stop myself from enjoying it just because they don’t want my money.
Oh, yeah, thats perfectly fair. I’m already playing Unicorn Overlord even though they didnt release on PC, and it was pretty much the same train of thought you just expressed there why I jumped straight into piracy. If I hadnt enjoyed the game as much as I’m currently enjoying it, I wouldnt even have gotten to the step of figuring out which megacorp I despise giving money to the least in order to shunt some of that change to the developers
I’m a little stricter. I do not buy shit with unacceptable DRM.
Which is honestly a fair stance to take ngl
I will, however, still play it if I can pirate.
How do you play helldiver’s 2 with my friends?
Helldivers 2 works almost perfectly on Linux. I had to nest it in a gamescope session to fix some weird mouse issues, but that was it. I dual-boot Windows and I’ve never even launched it there.
I just press a green button in steam
Cool, me too.
Not on Linux though, you had to do a bunch of fucking about to almost make it flawless.
No, I literally had to add one change to the game launch properties one time. It took me probably 3 minutes of googling and following instructions. I wouldn’t call that “a bunch of fucking shit”.
I did nothing more than pushing a button.
Cool, you’re lazy, gotcha.
I mean, yeah, you can find exceptions to any rule if you look for them
Dismissing major releases with drm isn’t the victory you think it is. Linux is getting better it’s almost there.
I dont know what the hell you are talking about dude. If the game has shitty drm but a pirated version doesnt, you can buy the game (or dont if you dont care about giving developers money) and then pirate it to get around that. If the game doesnt have a pirated version that skips the DRM, which is pretty much the ENTIRETY of online only games due to their nature, then yeah, you have to either accept the drm or not play it. I was merely countering your point that you can’t pirate AND support devs. I have no idea why you are bringing up games that you straight up cannot pirate. Lastly, being a slave to major releases is a choice. Personally I only touch about 1 every 5 years, because the vast majority of new video game experiences come from indie games nowadays, so if drm is someones line in the sand, avoiding a new release because it has it isnt the loss you think it is to the person who drew that line