Exactly. The show is satire and you’re getting upset at characters. They aren’t real.
Women is plural. “A women” would be “a woman”.
Lmao, nice attempt at a strawman, I never said deepfakes are just a joke. I said referencing a joke from a satirical TV show is a joke. Evidently that concept is proving too difficult for you.
Goodbye. I hope you learn to take a joke someday. What a grey and joyless life you must have.
Explain it however you like “some lady on the internet can’t take a joke”, or give her a link to this thread. Whatever, idc.
But you aren’t going to, we both know that.
I’m not going to what?
Yeah. You can’t take a joke at all. You’re even complaining about TV characters being immoral. It’s TV ffs. It’s not real.
Mac is not a real person. It is an actor playing a role. He is a work of fiction.