Switch to the open source Neo Launcher!
That has not been updated since 2022 tho. Is Neo launcher dead?
Their Github page looks like there’s active development, but yeah no actual releases for a long time
Till now we have no alpha release of 1.0.0, but this would come in the next weeks.
Finger crossed!
Ooh where are you seeing that?
No mentions of an alpha for nearly a year, all the recent comments are people lamenting its apparent abandonment!
Well, first of all, let me say that people lamenting over an open source project is very sad. The comment I’ve linked is from a Neo Launcher contributor and, as you can see, there’s been continuous work on the project.
Yeah I know, that was my original point. I think it’s fine to be sad that an open source project is stagnating, especially if you’re a keen user but don’t have the knowledge to change the codebase yourself. Thankfully I didn’t see anyone being rude or demanding, that’s the real bad sign.