I will just wait for Windows 12. The old rule that every other version of Windows sucks still holds up to this day.
Sorry to disappoint you but it won’t get better this time
Boomerang not gonna return this time ain’t it?
Why wait when Lindows 14 is already out? 😉
holy shit TIL Lindows is still a thing that exists.
Just… renamed. There was a massive lawsuit, which Microsoft lost, but they settled on buying the Lindows branding for $20M.
But the project lives on.
Didnt there used to be Lindows PCs in stores?
I could have sworn I saw them in Walmarts like…20ish years ago? +/- 5 years?
Maybe? I remember seeing Ubuntu and RedHat around then, but that’s about it.
Linux doesn’t support as much software as Windows. The big line for me is that it can’t run Destiny 2.
What are you talking about? The fact that you can’t run D2 on Linux is the BEST feature.
(Jk of course, play any game you want the the free time you get)
That’s absolutely true. That said, it supports Dwarf Fortress really well, so you should be set.
On steam? With wine on Proton I run Helldiver 2 out of the box. Same with Elden Ring and many other titles. The only ones that have given me issues is Epic. Which really isn’t a loss lately.
D2 just doesn’t support Linux. They probably could, but it is how it is.
Proton lets you run games that don’t support Linux. Idk if it’ll work for D2, but it’s got a great track record for me so far on my Steam Deck.
Looks like it’s a no-go for Destiny 2. Here’s a useful site to check next time. https://www.protondb.com/app/1085660