Despite its CEO railing against Biden, Tesla was more than happy to take the administration’s money.
Which, even if it went directly into his pocket, doesn’t even move the needle for him.
Like another poster said, his goals are more likely politically aligned. He wants EV infrastructure to fail to show libtards are squandering tax money. Self fulfilling prophecy and all that.
Why the tesla board hasn’t sent him packing yet is beyond me. There must be some golden parachute clause that would be very expensive, but he’s doing massive harm to their brand that it must be worth it to cut him loose at this point.
Edit - I also think this ego maniac is sabotaging his own charging infrastructure simply because the government passed a bill (IIRC) that requires the charging stations be accessible to any EV. Not that it needs to provide the connectors on-site - other EV drivers will need to bring their own adapters. Simply that the payment system allows non-tesla owners to use it.
Why the tesla board hasn’t sent him packing yet is beyond me. There must be some golden parachute clause that would be very expensive, but he’s doing massive harm to their brand that it must be worth it to cut him loose at this point.
He’s stacked the board with his friends and family. They’re not going to raise the chance of it themselves.
Our only chance is/was actions by activist investors. I suppose I would have been considered one of those until yesterday when I sold.
Why the tesla board hasn’t sent him packing yet is beyond me.
His board is full of friends, family, and other sycophants.
Shareholders won’t vote Elon out because he is sadly the one reason its so highly valued, and if he goes, the stock price does with it. They won’t do anything until the company is on fire, and its not yet.
Given that yesterday’s layoff news did nothing to the stock price, we’re getting there.
Elon isn’t the one reason. Tesla stock skyrocketed in value the moment Bill Gates and other hedge funds announced they are shorting the stock.
Other hedge funds decided “I will take that bet” and here we are.