Come to think of it, it’s a bit surprising that a more woman-centric sect of Christianity hasn’t risen to any level of prominence in the US. I suppose it’s easier to transition into agnosticism or atheism than to form a belief system, but its absence is still surprising in the modern era. Or is it as simple as demographic shifts and the absence of power during relevant periods? Religion is gradually waning in most of the west, after all. The patriarchy potentially stole The Mome from us, and that’s kinda lame tbh.
I don’t think the vast majority of American Christians are anywhere near ready to accept a Christian denomination founded by and led by women. Which is a shame. I think such a denomination would have some interesting and probably beneficial perspectives to share.
But given how Christianity has been male-led from the very beginning, how it stemmed from another male-led religion, and how engrained into American Christian society it is for women to be docile, obedient child production machines… Yeah, that ain’t happening for a looong time!
It’d be faster to turn Wicca into a women led mainstream religion than to wait for another millenium or two for Christians to give women a leading role.