What, never been catfished before? Had plenty of women do this to me on apps. All their pictures show one person, then they show up as a person and a half. After the date I just tell them “thanks but no thanks, you catfished me.”
I think the standard procedure is to finish the date, and then never text them back
No I’ve never been catfished before. My “type” is queer/weird though, I would never blindly swipe right on the stereotypically attractive straight woman.
How has this happened multiple times?? Are you actually being catfished or are you just talking about people who look fatter than you’d like in person?
I don’t know what you’re trying to imply, that I “blindly” swipe on stereotypically attractive straight women (how would one blindly do that, I wonder), or that I am judgemental? It has happened to me 3 different times. Women using pictures of them before serious weight gain. all 3 cases it was over 100lbs difference between pictures and reality.
Also my type is queer/weird, as I am queer and weird.
WOW I did not expect this kind of response lol, I’m just saying that if I see a stereotypically attractive woman, I would read her profile to see if she’s my type because just by appearance she likely wouldn’t be.
So it is about weight gain and not actually straight up catfishing. I feel like there is a difference. I feel like if that happened to me I wouldn’t just leave right away, I’ve made many friendships from dates. If you’re so concerned about weight gain that you’d walk away you should consider straight up asking if the photos are recent.
But just based on this response it seems like you’re kind of an aggro/rude person in general lol.
- I read the whole profile, not sure why you assume I don’t. Probably the same reason you assumed I just “blindly go for stereotypically attractive women”.
- I have formed friendships from dates as well.
- I never said I left a date right away if the woman was catfishing, I always am cordial, finish the date, and then when they ask for another, I say no, and tell them it’s because they catfished me.
From everything you’ve assumed about me, to trying to differentiate how you would act, just screams pick me.
You’re on the defensive for no reason but ok
because of your baseless accusations lmao sound like someone straight out of female dating strategy
You keep saying I’m making accusations, you need therapy.
lol sorry about your weight
Now kiss.