Google is laying off more employees and hiring for their roles outside of the U.S.
Such a long rant about something so old and so universal as outsourcing.
Not even outsourcing, they are internal hires, just elsewhere.
Such a long rant about something so old and so universal as *outsourcing
*Class Warfare
I’m sure the software engineers in India and Mexico see it differently.
Companies like google pressuring governments in India and Mexico to crack down on unions and work protections there is what it looks like for them and limitations on immigration (and the freedoms of those do immigrate).
Free market of labor is never the real source of downward market pressure, IMHO. Its the veryil intentional policies ment to keep labor desperate.
Yes, Google is to blame for low salaries in India.
You know how most of the software engineers in India feel? Like they are even more micromanaged, overworked and deprived of agency in the work place than US tech workers.
I want software engineers and India and Mexico to earn a living wage just as much as I want software engineers living in my city to earn a living wage and have a workplace that treats them with decency (and doesn’t try to treat humans like robots).
I am sure most Indians and Mexican software engineers feel that way about software engineers from other countries too.
The only zero sum game here is between all of us and the ruling class and if you don’t see that now I hope one day in the future that thought will find you with an open mind.
I know how they feel because I work with them daily. They feel blessed because they earn sometimes 10 times more than their parents for work much less hard, in particular those coming from farming families. They are not earning a “living wage”, they are earning a “live almost in luxury” wage, 20 to 30 lakh a year, which is still 10 times less than silicon valley. They work in a nice office with Air Conditioning, or directly from home if they want.
That being said, software engineers EVERYWHERE are earning “a living wage” at least. We are way overpaid, in fact, compared to social workers or teachers. A company with hundreds of thousands of employees relocating some positions to other countries is just mundane.
That being said, software engineers EVERYWHERE are earning “a living wage” at least. We are way overpaid, in fact, compared to social workers or teachers. A company with hundreds of thousands of employees relocating some positions to other countries is just mundane.
Who said violence and class warfare can’t be mundane in practice?
We are way overpaid
No y’all aren’t, the problem is rather that everybody else is way underpaid
That’s the same thing, I explicitly compared it to other people. It’s relative.
That’s the same thing
Please please please open your heart and listen to me a second.
It is not the same thing. There is a lot of research on this and it turns out it is not as simple as one person winning means another person losing (or 5…). The reason the world is currently set up this way is a choice made by an economic class of people to mortgage the entire future of another economic class of people, into a doomed construction of decay that can only ever collapse in flames.
That is the crux of literally this whole miserable slush of suffering we are in.
The only truly zero sum game here is between the ruling class getting to own everything and the rest of us getting to live a decent quality of life.
If you don’t listen to anything else I say, fine, I mean I can be insufferable as fuck, but consider the truths in that point alone outside the context of my nonsense.
I hear you (well, read you), I just disagree.
Outsourcing is the problem and you are called racist or xenophobic if you even mention it. Unions have nothing to do with it, they would only exasperate the speed of the transfer of knowledge and jobs to lesser developed countries with lower cost labor.
The government needs to break up these oligopolies who have more money than the government itself. That money is spent on people who have no idea what is going on in the tech world, they just listen to the lobbyists, accept their checks and investment returns. They couldn’t care less about the long term effects.