I have an openwrt router at home which also acts as my home server. It’s running a bunch of services using docker (Jellyfin, Nextcloud, etc.)
I have set up an SSH tunnel between my openwrt router and VPS and can access jellyfin successfully.
I understand that I need to set up a reverse proxy to access multiple services and have https.
But I’m confused if I should set up this reverse proxy on the VPS or on the router itself. Is nginx the easiest option? Should i add subdomains in cloudflare for every service?
Pease don’t recommend vpns since they are all blocked where i live (wireguard, tailscale openVPN, etc.) I’m limited to using ssh tunneling only.
That was added later, obviously. Even still, you don’t need a VPS for this. This is overly complex .
If SSH works, just forward ports and be done with it.
I don’t want to remember port numbers. I’m trying to give each service its own subdomain.
Beggers CAN be choosers, apparently 🤦
You should if your ip is private, not public.