As if the Prime Video app couldn’t get any worse.
And I haven’t pirated a game in I don’t even know how long now because of Steam.
TV show? Last week.
I’ve only pirated one game recently and that’s only because you can’t really get it legally anymore.
Fuck you Microsoft for killing games for windows live and killing a bunch of PC games in the process.
Fuck that BS :(
I do pirate games that I buy on Steam - just to have a backup copy in case something happens to my account. I want to truly own my media. Nonetheless, this is the only place I have paid for media since we ditched the DVD player)
Many Steam games are DRM-free, they’re just not advertised that way. Try copying the game files elsewhere and shutting down Steam, for most older games, they’ll still just work.
The games I bought were fairly new indies. Didn’t think about that though!