Colorado has recreational weed and is in full support of right to repair? Well damn, if I ever have to move, I know where I’ll likely be going!
Meh, the weed thing isn’t that exciting anymore, I’m in Baltimore and pass five dispensaries on the way to work now.
Thanks Colorado, for breaking through for the rest of us though.
Massachusetts has had decent right to repair for a decade too. And had universal healthcare way back too. They just got legal weed recently, but like the others, cost of living is rough there. Boston, Somerville and Cambridge housing, but you’re stuck in Boston.
Boston itself sucks as a city but I’d still not want to live anywhere else. We got mountains, beaches, forests, and all four seasons, without the forest fire season sucking the life out of summer.
Denver Metro is on par with the cost of living of San Diego Metro. Lots of people agreed with you already and moved here.
Pretty much any state thats not overrun with conservative assbags has legal weed at this point. The entire eastern sea-board is flush.
Please don’t come here for weed