At an all-hands meeting last week, Google executives responded to employee questions about declining morale even with financial performance improving.
It’s also why there’s no way Google can sustain these numbers. They pay workers like a random startup, just without any possibility of striking it rich on stock options. They are likely to be hemorrhaging talent at all engineering positions.
They don’t care. They have monopoly over everything! They have your phones private data, they have your search history, they have your automatically uploaded pictures to Google drive of your butthole! They own you and you’ll do as they like, whenever they like! Now where’s that guy who knows how to operate all that stuff? Wait, he was fired to lower costs? Oh…
For as long as Google is part of FAANG, they will have a nearly unlimited supply of fresh grads to burn through, and fresh grads still line up to work there to get that name on their CV.
Google will always be part of FAANG. It’s in the name.
But if they fail in AI and their advertising business dries up (which if you listen to earnings calls, is pretty much all anyone is concerned about), then their name won’t be stapled to FAANG anymore. It’ll just be FAAN. When you run the gamble of having great talent but wasting it, eventually you reach the point where you’re no longer a desirable location for the talent in the first place.
Ads are built. what do they need engineers for?