Jerboa because it’s the closest I have found to RIF other than Liftoff, which no longer works since most instances have updated to 0.19 and above.
The dude working in it had a kid (made an announcement for it) and then hasn’t seemed to work on it since. Which is understandable, I guess. Kids ruin everything. 😩
Does it still work pretty well? I tried it for awhile but ran into some issues I can’t remember early on. If I could get close to RIF for Lemmy, my battery would drain a lot quicker
Jerboa has some weird problems very early on, but I don’t really have any now. I’d suggest trying it again.
The only issue I have is that it doesn’t seem to poll for messages/reply notices unless I close and reopen it.
I’m having the same issue with message/reply but otherwise it’s a great app.
I’m still wanting the “marked as read” option though, I’m not a huge fan of having to vote on everything.
Isn’t Jerboa an Android native app? I don’t think they have a web app like how Alexandrite or Photon are.