On the up-side, I can cancel subscriptions whenever I want and only subscribe to one or two at a time when they have something I want to watch. I could never do that with cable.
That said, pricing is getting way out of control. I will not tolerate ads and we’re getting to the point where purchasing content makes more financial sense than subscribing to things that load you up with caveats unless you pay premiums.
The “best” part you forgot , buying probably won’t be possible or available
Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. 😞
And also, even when it is… it’s “buying” (with quotes), because in this brave new digital world… you don’t actually own anything you “buy”.
They’re going to complicate unsubscribing next.
I think that’s illegal in some places, like California and the EU.
Amazon is way ahead of the curve
It takes like 3 steps to cancel an audible account on Amazon.
Is that more or less than it takes to sign up?
I fear the change from monthly to annual only subscriptions is on the horizon
I hear you’re tired of monthly payments. How about…