Stuff like this always makes me wonder how good the surveillance state actually is. I mean, a bunch of hillbillies planned an insurrection on Facebook for fucks sake.
Well that was good for propoganda purposes. Gives them an excuse to get more intrusive.
Youll notice that on Jan 6, none of the people in the Capitol Building had guns, and also note the video of them being waved in, and also note that they weren’t immediately forced out.
Jan 6 glows like the sun.
“Every time someone makes me look bad by agreeing with me in public, it’s because they’re feds.”
If you think the federal government tells the truth, I have a bridge to sell you.
You can’t accept that January 6 was carried out by people you agree with, doing what you wanted them to do.
So instead, you pretend it was feds. Before that, I bet you pretended it was a false flag operation by antifa. Anything to prevent you from accepting that it was a coup attempt by supporters of your orange turd god.
I’m glad they failed in their attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election that Trump lost. I’m glad they failed to install a hereditary dictatorship headed by the Trump family. Are you?
I have a bridge to sell you.
You’re already peddling fraud. May as well try to sell bridges you don’t own.
No, I fully believe that there’s idiots on the right. I’ve met some of them. But that particular instance glows, because they were literally waved inside, and then left to wander for hours. Does that make sense to you, that everything happened like they said?
No, I fully believe that there’s idiots on the right. I’ve met some of them.
I keep being reminded of their existence as well.
But that particular instance glows, because they were literally waved inside, and then left to wander for hours.
I mean, it’s a lot easier than admitting that some of the police might be sympathetic to their cause. Was Sicknick in on it? Was Goodman? Was the guy who who shot Ashli Babbitt? It’s amazing what lengths the feds will go to just to make Republicans look bad.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe there was involvement on the federal level: The head of the Executive Branch lied to them for months about the results of the election, then told them to march on the capitol and fight. Same guy delayed deploying the National Guard for as long as he could. Same guy told the insurrectionists he loved them. Did the shadowy triple parentheses deep state illuminati cabal force him to do that?
You ignored my question: I’m glad the insurrection failed. Are you?
I’m not sure if it was an insurrection, and I’m not sure it failed, whatever it was.
Your evasive answer indicates that you know it was an insurrection but don’t want to admit it, and that you would have preferred a result in which Trump was installed as dictator.
If this isn’t the case, you should have given a direct answer.
Well like always the “hillbillies” are probably hand in hand with the insurrectionists.
“Some of those that work forces. Are the same that burn crosses” - RATM
Zack de la Rocha sometimes changes the lyrics in the second verse from “Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses” to “Some of those that burn crosses are the same that hold office” when playing live.
He also supports Mexican terrorists and lives in a mansion.
Citation needed
His wikipedua page
You’re stupid if you think Zapatistas were terrorists.
Yup, no doubt.
No, Rage Against the Machine. No Doubt did “Don’t Speak”.
How Sublime.
I think that’s a bit misleading, TBH. The attack was fairly well planned, and far from just a bunch of hillbillies. Yeah, they were a part of it, and part of the plan, but summarizing them as the brains behind the coup attempt is undercutting the risk of it being tried again.
Which just furthers op’s main point, really. I mean it was fairly well planned in a fairly overt fashion, why weren’t they prepared?
Definitely wasn’t saying they were the brains. But the message was communicated to them via Facebook. They actively participated in the conspiracy, which took place on Facebook. My point is, the data was there, and it wasn’t acted upon for some reason.