They should face The Hague for how bad Teams is. Currently I have the “option” to switch to “Classic Teams” (which needed to be a separate application because fuck-knows-why) via a toggle. When I do, it launches Classic Teams and freezes, requires another 2FA approval, or both. Then, it later closes and auto-updates to “New” Teams and I get to do the whole process again. And New 3DS Plus Teams 2024 ME+ Pro U has stupid floaty notifications that take up too much space and annoy me.
Thank you for listening…
New 3DS Plus Teams 2024 ME+ Pro U
…& Knuckles?
Oh, don’t worry. They’re ending support for old teams soon. You won’t have a choice anymore.
Not only are new teams notification banners annoying, new teams no longer makes a noise for every single notification, like it used to. I rather have a ding than a banner, especially since I tend to use all of my screen space.
New notification, old notification, either way it auto-dismisses the system notification after 5 seconds. Why? I guess they don’t trust the DE to manage notifications properly??
So my colleagues know if they send me a message I’ll get to it when I’ll get to it because I probably will have missed the notification.
What’s even the difference
Honestly I’ve mostly noticed slight UI changes that are worse. Lmao the program seems to run better overall
Edit: it’s the spacing and location. It just feels like they left a lot of dead space instead of cutting that out. Oh. And the thing I hate. When you click on a conversation now it tunnels your vision to only that conversation.
You can disable the banner, I disabled the banner and the dings on mine and just rely on the little red dot
I’ve had to repeatedly switcho “new teams”. The selection isn’t sticky for some reason. It seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to develope a messaging app that does file transfers and meetings but apparently this bloated pile of horseshit proves reason wrong. A second long delay when changing threads? “You’ll use it because corporate says you will…and you’ll LOVE IT”.
I had the same issue, you’re starting the wrong app. When you start old teams you get the selection. When you start new teams (with the little turquoise new icon) you don’t get the selection. Change your shortcut :)
Ha…guess I’m the asshole. But I still hate teams alright!
Iirc support for Classic Teams was dropped in March (or earlier). New Teams is generally less buggy in my experience anyways, and I haven’t yet found functionality its lacking. Not sure why you’re still presented with the option to drop back, as I don’t believe I’ve seen that toggle in a while
It’s still supported under VDI environments which is why the toggle still exists at all.
Not the best rollout of a MS product but I give them credit for realizing that they needed to switch the underlying code base completely to be more efficient, and actually committing to it.
Oh? It’s not a bastardization of Skype for Business (which in turn was a bastardization of Lync) anymore?
Microsoft Team has always been a webapp
I think they were using electron and moved to webview2? They blogged about it a long while back.
Yeah, I figured it was EOL. But look for the option at the top and the toggle is there, in the current version!
My favorite part about New Teams is when it kept telling me I was forced to move from Old Teams to New Teams because our IT department was pushing the update. Cut to everyone in IT being confused as fuck because no they fucking weren’t.
Teams also sets itself to autostart with Windows, even if you choose not to, or diabale it from the startup manager, it overrides it upon next launch.
It’s the only software I’ve ever seen doing that crime against humanity.
Programs that do that are straight up malware in my opinion.
They are malware
You can turn it off
It doesn’t for me, just turn it off.
Honestly it’s kind of amazing that microsoft got authentication so wrong.
My circumstance isn’t complicated, yet I seem to be relentlessly have trouble getting access to whatever thing because it’s confused about my account.
New Teams is about as successful as New Coke!
New 3DS Plus Teams 2024 ME+ Pro U
Wait are you joking or is this real? That is a ridiculous name/version.
Sorry, no. I was being facetious.
I love the naming convention
Outlook -> Outlook (new)
Teams classic -> Teams (new)
And the bloody “new” tag in the task bar icon is driving me nuts.
And the fact that the status notification now has an area of roughly 4 pixels.