Unpopular opinion I guess, but I think Teams is actually pretty good at my workplace.
Coming from a Slack office is pretty damn painful when you get tossed into Teams. The lack of chat organization and chat threads is painful.
Microsoft also moves at a glacial pace. Terrible bugs float around in their products for months / years. That company doesn’t know how to ship stuff anymore. All they do is reorg product and engineering teams every 6 months, then wonder why they can ship anything on time on time.
That may be, but I’m not sure that’s a problem for a communication platform. I remember one time when they moved the share screen button around and some less tech savvy users thought the feature was removed!
Teams has something like chat threads too. E.g. you can reply to a message in a channel and it groups all replies, and you can also focus that thread if you want. But I agree it isn’t hidden “off the main topic” quite like slack threads.
At the end of the day, slack simply has a larger feature set and more options for organizing and staying engaged with conversations. Almost everyone who has clocked in significant time and Teams and Slack will tell you that.
And, unfortunately, Microsoft moves so damn slow, and prioritizes such weird crap, that they can’t seem to get some of the basics implemented.
We use both: Teams for meetings, Slack for everything else. Slack sucks for meetings IMO, and Teams sucks for chat. We have to use Teams due to corporate (all the meeting rooms are integrated with it, all corporate meetings use it, etc), and we picked Slack because it sucks less.
It’s a pretty decent setup.
Agreed. If I have to pick, I’m going with the OG Slack + Zoom combo. Only problem is that recordings and meeting chat are not integrated. But, honestly, I’ll gladly give up that one feature if it means I get the mountains of other stuff. Also, when meeting chats aren’t saved, they become a lot more lively. People know the chats aren’t going to clutter up any important meeting notes.
I don’t trust zoom whatsoever (e.g. this incident).
And honestly, I don’t really like Zoom. I used it during COVID because that’s what everyone else used, but it never was good.
Have you been forced to use “New Teams” that loves to close itself randomly throughout the day and also doesn’t allow you to pin it to the taskbar even though the option is there and selectable? It also has a permanent “Update” button at the top of the window that nags you to update but when you select it, it tells you that you’re running a newer version than what’s available.
Also constantly asks if you want to try the new teams even though you’re using the new fucking teams.
I can’t say I’ve run into those issues with the new teams. Worst I’ve experienced is the app freezing during a call, which has happened twice in the last year or so.
My main gripe is that the web version only asks that once it spent ages loading the old version… And it’s not even a choice because I already switched on desktop. Can’t you just load the fucking new version to begin with?
But then Microsoft can’t say that people are opting to move from Teams to New Teams, and show how amazing the people think New Teams is. I don’t know if that’s why they’re doing it that way, but it feels like that.
Mine decided that starting with Windows was like spitting in a baby’s eye and disabled it for everyone, now I have to remember to turn it on or write a batch file but I’d rather not because Teams is fuckered
In terms of working, I find discord best. SharePoint is incredibly slow for me, all the materials inside teams is dumped there.